Directed by Halle Vanderhyden
Produced by Ethan Kane
Conceived by Michael Ninn
As you might have discerned, the Innocence series concentrates on young female performers and their particular view of the adult industry. Most of the players in the series have some XXX experience, since the truly and technically "brand new" woman in our industry remains understandably rare. So rather then hype some typical "never-before-seen" fiction, the team at Ninn Worx has set out to capitalize on what a woman can bring to the screen before she has done her 100+ movies and lapsed into whatever method of operation she has decided is her "style."
That's what the first Innocence title said, and Ninn Worx has pretty much stayed to form with this highly successful series. You don't have many variables involved in whether or not to purchase an Innocence title, as you pretty much know exactly what you're getting from the Ninn disciples Vanderhyden and Kane. You get brightly lit, sets, strong in vibrant colors and beautiful young women given the freedom to show a rare enthusiasm in their work. The series a lot of direct-to-camera nasty talk, and Ninn intentionally lays the music down to a level where the viewer can use the audio to enhance the mood.
This isn't dark, brooding and introspective Ninn. This is youth, and vitality, and raw hunger. You really only have one question to ask yourself before deciding on this title: Do I like the look and feel of this cast? If only all decisions were so easy.
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